Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Should Pueblo Voters be Listened to?

VOters ignored top
From my blog … The Pueblo ScoutIf you value this work, please help out and contribute by making a donation … Donate here

We have Been Through this Before

When the overall will of the voter runs in conflict with the conservative, or liberal, beliefs and/or “standards” of it’s leaders, should our leaders simply ignore the will of the people.  Should the moral and economic benefit’s to a society that other communities enjoy, be resisted to maintain our traditional local society?  Water is for a fightinFor the benefit of a small but highly privileged percentage, that has always enjoyed the best, and ain’t bout to give an inch now. These are the very real sentiments of many older voters from higher incomes, and High Income “backgrounds”. 

When democracy is overruled by those who feel the need to exercise what they feel is a necessary total control over a situation, history has taught us repeatedly it rarely works out.  The Government leadership of the State of Michigan did exactly this when the elected leaders of the community were ignored by appointed managers, managers who with business backgrounds place economics and capitol as their primary concern.  The welfare of the constituents were not of first line concern, as their real constituents do not reside in Flint.  They aren’t even in government.  They are few, they have much, and yes, they desire more.  Much, much more. 
It’s simple economics from a business viewpoint.  Continuous increase in profit margin is not only necessary, but an absolute must at all cost.  Any cost. As long as the cost is … deferred.  Doing better than last quarter is, well, if you don’t, your fired!  The benefit of the major stockholders will be the final concern for all considerations of business or management of any and all resources under said control.  All of this Business management of public resources from a business aspect has already had a massive impact upon our lives.   And and the impact upon the quality of our lives and our financial standing hasn’t been a good one, at least for the vast majority of us. 

Shall Pueblo be Left Behind Intentionally
Is it, that even though some of us who have literally fought for our freedoms and rights,  are now being insistently told that we must bow to the Leaving Pueblo Memeelite, as good Americans, must we allow them to ignore and trample on our rights and livelyhoods for the maintenance of an outdated corporate beneficiary privileged class. 
This is the same conservative (in title only) class who now again wish to hold our our society back, while all around them progress passes them by.  Oh, they don’t mind the money though.
The fact that this occurs while that same class has driven the local skilled wage base to below poverty levels.  A reason many skilled and talented workers flee Pueblo at the first opportunity.  While the flight of skilled labor occurs at an alarming rate, we are acquiring a fairly decent sized experienced and skilled criminal element moving here to take advantage of the situation.  With so many disenfranchised people in one location, it’s a Detroit like feeding frenzy on what corporate left behind after their feeding.
They seem to think even though they possess little in knowledge, experience, and or skill, they are the only ones entitled to make a fair living.  All others must now submit to the oppression of wages to the point where a full time skilled worker must be essentially homeless, or give up eating, or become dependent on handouts.  Does one wonder why some shake their heads in disbelief when others wonder why crime is on the rise.  The criminally minded have learned that financial crimes pay, and pay well.  They just don’t steal enough to get away with it … some of the time.  And worry not what say the voter, for it has been proven that if a community if given enough economic hardship, Democracy and representation can easily be taken away, especially when profits can be made by those who matter. 

Is this where we want to be?  Is this the Pueblo we want?  Really?

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